



> Shatters modernism's rule bound definition of space, which is all about the careful arrangement of wall, ceiling, floor elements, all at right angles.
> Multiple perspective points. Not just 'front' and 'back.' (Modernism)
> Fragmented geometry.
> Attempts to "embody the chaotic fluidity of everyday life". (http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/5698/Hadid-Zaha-1950.html)
> Movement, captured, frozen in time: “creates the solid apparatus to cause us to perceive space as though it morphs and changes as we pass through.” (http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/5698/Hadid-Zaha-1950.html)
> Iterative: Hadid draws like "like a pianist constantly practising... It increases the repertoires immensely...It's unpredictable." (http://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/hadid.html)
> Carving away space, a sort of erosion: "Carving allows light to come in... (buildings) informed by landscapes, and the erosion of them" (http://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/hadid.html)
> Obsessed with (traditional Islamic architectural) concepts of shadow and ambiguity. 


> his buildings are objects broken up, analysed and reassembled

Evander's group:

Zaha Hadid:
1. Fluidity and Movement in freeform spaces
2. Creating infinite freedom through deconstructing conventional ideologies
3. Carving out spaces

Richard Neutra:
1. Contextual; Creating special interaction between landscape and architecture
2. Modernism; Decoration only through structural elements; no ornamentation
3. Geometric; spatial arrangement
4. Fordist; Use of technology and mass production to create industrialised spaces that for fill a domestic purpose
5. Elemental; Combining different elements to produce specific architecture
6. Additive; adding something to nothing

Dominic's group:

Richard Neutra
> Works follow a series of spacial rules and a set formula defining rooms and regions
> Form follows function
> Works are planar, there is no sense of abstraction or irregularity
> Work is additive, shapes form around a tangible space
> Work is non decorative, with clear and definitive reasoning behind features

Zaha Hadid
> Work is reductive, spaces are formed out of predefined geometry and shapes
> Form is blurred as walls, floor wall and roof merge into entities, undefined or morphed form
> Building form follows an emotional response to space & design features, her original designs are an abstract representation of how a space is experienced
> Form is fluid & organic
> Works are neo-modernist, adapt on the traditions of modernism and expand with technological advancements

Lan's group:

Zaha Hadid:
1. "The most important thing is dynamic, motion, the fluidity of things, a non-Euclidean geometry in which nothing repeats itself"
2. Deconstruct the ordinary elements(wall. floor etc) and comes up with new order of space. (streamline)
3.The functions and the elements of Zaha Hadid's buildings is connected and unity.
4. Porosity of the building skin
5. Curved and connected building components

Richard Neutra
> Neutra’s architecture aimed to create simplistic aesthetics through elimination of traditional decoration.
> The importance of the landscape; large windows and house plan committed to enhancing the experience.
> Pragmatic, international style, rationalist, Fordist; his context in a rapidly expanding industrial world influenced his architecture, the Fordist theories of mass production can be seen in the geometric construction of his works.

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